5 ideas for tummy time⁠

Tummy time

Tummy time is essential for every child’s future learning development and all parents should encourage tummy time activities as much as possible. ⁠

The trick is incorporating the “right” types of tummy time exercises that will positively engage your baby without tears while also building the connection between you and your child.⁠

  1. Tummy time on your chest. Lie down on the floor or a bed, flat or propped up on pillows. Place baby on your chest or tummy, so that you’re face-to-face. Always hold firmly for safety.⁠
  2. Football Hold. Position one hand under the tummy and between the legs and carry baby tummy down. Use other hand to support baby’s head and neck. Nestle baby close to your body to help get baby accustomed to the position.⁠
  3. Lap Soothe. Place baby face down across your lap to burp or soothe them. A hand on baby’s bottom will help steady and calm them⁠
  4. Eye-Level Smile. Get down level with your baby to encourage eye contact. Roll up and place a blanket under the chest and upper arms for added support.⁠
  5. Tummy Minute. Place your baby on their tummy for one or two minutes after every diaper change. Start a few minutes at a time and try to work up to an hour a day in shorter intervals by the end of three months.⁠

Tummy time is very important for your baby’s development! It improves your baby’s motor skills, makes neck and shoulder muscles stronger so your baby can start to sit up, crawl, and eventually walk.

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5 ideas for tummy time⁠

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